KDH welcomes new Board Directors

KDH welcomes new Board Directors

On Monday 29th July KDH welcomed three new Board Directors.

Renee Harrison works as a mental health nurse for Spectrum and is a community member on the Mental Health Tribunal. Renee has a special interest in Clinical Governance and is also on the Boort District Health Board.

Paul Fernee works at the Gannawarra Shire Council as the executive Director of Community Wellbeing and has a special interest in community services. Paul lives locally.

Peter Koetsveld has extensive Board and Board Chair experience along with a special interest and experience in corporate governance. Peter is retired and lives locally.

KDH would like to acknowledge three outgoing Board Directors who finished their terms at the end of June.

Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to Kylie Liebmann, Oscar Aertssen and Dianne Bowles for their commitment to Kerang District Health and the community. Their support and expertise have made a difference.

On behalf of Andrew Jeffreys, Board Chair, current Board Directors and the Executive team, we congratulate the successful Board members on their appointment.